Addiction is the devotion to something, such as food, drugs, alcohol, money, ambition as to be dependent on it.
The list of possible addictions is limited only by our imaginations
Sleep Nicotine Meth Shopping Social Media Ambition Sex TV Pornography Anger Work Pot Cocaine Shoplifting Pain Excercise Romance Gambling Weightlifting People Sugar Caffeine Pain Medication Approval Religion Risk Success/ Winning Chaos Alcohol Relationships Crisis Food Volunteering Materialism Plastic Surgery Bulimia. Anorexia Video games Phone
Do you have an addiction?
Do you continue using knowing the negative impact on your family, finances, health, mental health, friends?
Does it take more and more to get the same affects?
Do you spend more and more time planning, using, and suffering consequences?
Have you tried to stop but can not?
Do you experience cravings or withdraws?
Do you try to justify, minimize, or rationalize your use?
Has it become your god?
Do you hide your use or lie about it?
Staggering Numbers
21 million have an addiction only 10% seek help
Drug and alcohol abuse cost the US economy 600 billion every year
88,000 die annually from alcohol
130 people die daily from opioids
There are 100,000 new heroine users each year
Smoking claims 480,000 lives each year
About 5 million Americans use Cocaine regularly
About 774,000 Americans are regular Meth users. About 16,000 of them are between the ages of 12 and 17
Inhalants contribute to about 15% of deaths by suffocation every year
10,200 annual deaths are a direct result of an eating disorder
The economic cost of eating disorders is $64.7 billion every year
Eating disorders are among the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid overdose
45% of people use cutting as their method of self-injury
Divorce rate where one person is a work aholic is 40% higher
35% of all internet downloads are pornographic
18-24 million Americans are sex addicts
Does the Bible address addictions
An addiction is an idol we worship. Idolatry is a sin of the heart. It is anything we depend on for comfort, love, worth, and significance. When we rely on anything other than God, we are breaking the second commandment. God gives us warnings throughout the Bible about idol worshiping and false gods.
Idolatry is a sin. When we call it a sin, there is an eternal solution Jesus. Jesus death and resurrection offers forgiveness for sin, a new life, a fresh start, a way out, hope and life. We have the Holy Spirit, the comforter, the leader into truth our counselor. We have a Heavenly Father that is merciful, grace giving, slow to anger, patient, gentle, close, caring… We have scripture that gives us all the wisdom, encouragement, teaching, knowledge… we need. We have fellowship with other believers to share our burdens.